Copyright © 2024 CAEL s.r.l. Via Austria 23/D - Padova - Italia c.f. p.iva 01983150283 Reg.Imp. PD 01983150283 CCIAA PD n.194416 Cap.Soc. €.102.000 i.v.
In recent years, the use of digital technologies to replace analogue ones and high frequency signal processing has increased considerably the noise sources. These noises may cause two kind of drawbacks: Plant malfunctions and breakdowns of sensitive components; Legal issues for non-compliance with European directives. Electromagnetic compatibility takes into account several areas, including those relating to reduction of unintentional generation of electromagnetic energy and those related to countermeasures to avoid transmission, conducted or irradiated. CAEL’S RESPONSE Our group, following market demands, has created a partnership with suppliers of the highest level and has created an internal team, compact and competent, in order to identify and solve the problems of its customers. We provide both pre-installation and post-installation theoretical consultation upon use of automation cables, EMC filters, inductors etc., and a range of measurement services with the aim of providing pre- compliance attestations to be attached to the technical file of machine or plant.


+39 049 8945047
Mon - Fri 8.30 12.30 - 14.00 18.00