Copyright © 2024 CAEL s.r.l. Via Austria 23/D - Padova - Italia c.f. p.iva 01983150283 Reg.Imp. PD 01983150283 CCIAA PD n.194416 Cap.Soc. €.102.000 i.v.
Using the right sensor is critical when a company works towards performance and economy of a plant.To choose the right product you have to rely on those who have made this sector a reason for pride. Sensors are no longer mere passive components but are integrating increasingly advanced technologies, to allow, in some cases, avoiding the use of complex systems in favour of compact and refined solutions. CAEL’S RESPONSE Since 2008, our group has created a completely new figure in the industrial automation market, who will advise you on the best solution for your application: an on-board machine specialist. We can suggest solutions to detect moving objects with absolute precision and speed for completely saturated with dust and dirt environments. We created, for one of our customers, a system to detect the presence of plastic material inside chocolate eggs without using expensive X-ray vision systems. We will accompany you towards the most suitable solution for your applications, even in heavy environments.


+39 049 8945047
Mon - Fri 8.30 12.30 - 14.00 18.00